Saturday, April 12, 2014

We are going to Krin Krin!

We just found out that we are leaving for Krin Krin in 2 hours! The voyage involves 5 hours of dirt roads, followed by 10 hours up-river by "slow-boat." We will be travelling with Mr. Lee to visit the Lee Family over Easter. (The Lees are the missionary family serving in Krin Krin.) We are not sure if we will be able to come back sooner than the 28th of April, when Mr. Lee plans to come back to Puerto Cabezas. Krin Krin is a very remote village along the Rio Coco, where the main language is Meskitu. It will be a very new adventure for us. We're grateful for the opportunity, and not sure what to expect. Please pray for health and safety, as well as anything else that might come to your heart to pray. =) There is no electricity or internet there, so we will be under the radar for the next 2 weeks. We so appreciate your prayers.
Thank you so much!
Love in Christ,


P.S. Thank you so very much for your support with the jail project!! We've almost reached the amount we need for supplies. It's soo encouraging to be backed up by your prayer and support. Lord-willing we'll be ready to get to work at the jail as soon as we return from Krin Krin! Thank you!!!

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