God has continued to shower grace
upon grace in this place as new opportunities and challenges arise. School is
now in full swing. I am teaching basic music theory, sight-reading skills, and
choir for roughly 240 students. The first week was pretty challenging and a little
discouraging as I discovered that the vast majority of the students in choir
have serious pitch issues and can’t carry a tune. Here is a prayer I jotted
down after the first week of classes:
“Help me to do my best to help these kids learn to sing!
Would you please tune their hearts to yours and tune their voices to the right
pitches? Let them experience the joy of worship and your beauty in excellent
On another note, I have only been to the jail once so far to help translate for a medical team. I am very anxious to start going there regularly, to get to know the guys there, and to live and share the Gospel in that place. I plan on starting this week.
In December, while I was still in the States, God laid a
passage on my heart from Psalm 88. This has become my prayer for the men in the
jail - especially for the men who are in the tomb-like black of the underground
have put me in the depths of the pit in regions dark and deep…
I am shut in so
that I cannot escape;
My eyes grow dim
through sorrow
Do you work
wonders for the dead?
Do the departed
rise up to praise you?
Is your steadfast
declared in the GRAVE?
Or your faithfulness
in abandon?
Are your wonders
known in the darkness,
Or your
righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?”
-Psalm 88:6, 9-12

Please pray for wisdom for me, that I would be filled with
the Word and the Spirit and that God would graciously step into that place and
bring His light there. Pray that, just as Love was declared in the grave when
Jesus drew in His first resurrection-breath, so life would enter these men
living in the darkness and death of their lost hearts.