Dalila, Vionica, Lisbeth, Bellatois, Jhaneth and Candida are 6 of the 29 precious ladies living in the jail right now. Most of them have small children living at home. They were so kind and welcoming to me when I first got to visit them a few weeks ago. Dalila was weaving a belt out of colorful plastic bags woven into thread. When I exclaimed over how beautiful it was, she promptly gathered a necklace and a ring she had woven out of the same material, and passed them through the bars to me as gifts.

Every time we visit the jail, I am struck by how DARK it is. The demons and profane words sketched on the walls are physical representations of the spiritual oppression there. However, the ladies’ hearts are wide-open doors to truth and LIGHT! I’m grateful to get to visit and sing with the ladies regularly while we’re here, but we thought it would be nice to leave them with flickers of light once we’re gone. That’s where yellow paint comes in. =) After speaking with the authorities, we’ve been given a wide-open door to re-do the inside of the jail, with four murals of passages from Romans on the wall across from the four cell doors. The oldest girls from the orphanage are even excited about joining us!
April 19 is the day we’ve penciled in as painting day, if we can gather the funds. Since we didn’t foresee a painting project like this in our planning of the trip, we don’t quite have enough to cover the cost of paint and supplies. After a visit to the hardware store, it’s looking like we’ll need about $200. If it’s on your heart to help us out at all, that would be a sweet blessing. Please don’t feel any pressure. If it is on your heart to give, checks made out to Cath Howard, will be the easiest way for us to access your gift.
Thank you so much for praying for us in this project! We are so deeply grateful! Please pray that God would plant His word deeply in these ladies’ hearts. We are excited about writing God’s truth on the cement walls, banking on the promise that His word never returns void. Your prayers are diamonds. Thank you! Along with the 6 ladies named above, would you please pray for Maribel, Jhenely, Rut, Jhohana, Eluia, Merian, Marcelina, Jaqueline, Esmiranda, Naira and Elia?
Thank you so much!